I decided to write this post after I received many comments from Americans refusing to admit that the US did use depleted Uranium in the Gulf war and Iraq freedom or that DU if used has been a major cause of many health problems including cancers.
I made a quick research on the net and found hundreds of links about this subject, from the few links that I had checked I found many that assure my theory.
I will put excerpts from some links and their links.
US Forces' Use of Depleted Uranium Weapons is 'Illegal'
by Neil Mackay
Published on Sunday, March 30, 2003 by The Sunday Herald (Scotland)
BRITISH and American coalition forces are using depleted uranium (DU) shells in the war against Iraq and deliberately flouting a United Nations resolution which classifies the munitions as illegal weapons of mass destruction.
DU contaminates land, causes ill-health and cancers among the soldiers using the weapons, the armies they target and civilians, leading to birth defects in children.
DU has been blamed for the effects of Gulf war syndrome -- typified by chronic muscle and joint pain, fatigue and memory loss -- among 200,000 US soldiers after the 1991 conflict.
It is also cited as the most likely cause of the 'increased number of birth deformities and cancer in Iraq' following the first Gulf war.
'Cancer appears to have increased between seven and 10 times and deformities between four and six times,' according to the UN sub commission.
The use of DU has also led to birth defects in the children of Allied veterans and is believed to be the cause of the 'worrying number of anophthalmos cases -- babies born without eyes' in Iraq. Only one in 50 million births should be anophthalmic, yet one Baghdad hospital had eight cases in just two years. Seven of the fathers had been exposed to American DU anti-tank rounds in 1991. There have also been cases of Iraqi babies born without the crowns of their skulls, a deformity also linked to DU shelling.
A study of Gulf war veterans showed that 67% had children with severe illnesses, missing eyes, blood infections, respiratory problems and fused fingers.
for more about this article you can read it in :
Depleted Uranium Weapons:Lessons from the 1991 Gulf War
By Dan Fahey
Local civilian populations are unlikely to be warned when depleted uranium weapons are used - even if depleted uranium contaminates their food or water supplies. Prior to the Gulf War, the U.S. Army was aware of the potential for depleted uranium contamination to cause health problems among civilian populations. However, during and after the Gulf War, the U.S. Department of Defense took no steps to warn the inhabitants of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Iraq about depleted uranium contamination on their lands. In contrast, U.S. Army reports express more concern about public outcry and future restrictions on the use of depleted uranium weapons than with contaminating foreign lands and poisoning civilians.
Desert Storm veterans along with the people of Iraq and Kuwait were victims of one of the latest military experiments on human beings. I believe that the ignorance was culpable and criminal. -- Rosalie Bertell
In Iraq in 1997, I discovered monstrous births of deformed babies and old men who, amid the wreckage which the Allies had blasted with our uranium shells, told me of daughters with breast and liver cancer. -- Robert Fisk
There is now overwhelming evidence that use of depleted uranium is killing peacekeepers from Allied countries now based in the Balkans. It is killing the soldiers who went into the Balkans when the Serbs withdrew, and it is killing the people there who we went to war to supposedly protect. It is also killing the ordinary people of Iraq who have to suffer the triple pressures of a despotic regime, international sanctions, and death from depleted uranium. Using depleted uranium is clearly immoral, but it is also against international law and UN conventions which prohibit the use of weapons which cause indiscriminate deaths and injury. -- Caroline Lucas MEP
In the US soldiers are dying of brain tumours and cancers, young soldiers in their early twenty's with non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Children are born with missing limbs, missing eyes, missing ears, hearts on the wrong side of the body. In Iraq, the Iraqi people are displaying the same symptoms and conditions, the only difference being that they lack any form of medical treatment due to the US/UK imposed and enforced sanctions which has already led to 500,000 dead children.
to read more :
Growing Concerns
Background to IRAQ
During the 1991 Gulf War around 350 tons of depleted uranium was used in southern Iraq and many chemical facilities were bombed. The Atomic Energy Authority has said that if 50 tons were dispersed, up to half a million deaths might result by the turn of the century. Shortly after the war, a German professor noted disturbing health trends amongst the Iraqi population. These included :
· A considerable increase in infectious diseases caused by most severe immunodeficiences in a great part of the population.
· Frequent occurrence of massive herpes and zoster afflictions, also in children; AIDS-like syndromes.
· A hitherto unknown syndrome caused by renal and hepatic dysfunctions.
· Leukaemia, aplastic anaemia and malignant neoplasms.
· Congenital deformities caused by genetic defects, which are also found in animals and plants.
· Cancer rates in Iraq have now increased up to 10-fold, with the incidence of cancers and leukaemia among children in Basra rising 384% and 300% respectively. There has also been a substantial increase in genetic disorders including neural tube defects which have had a notable 55% rise between 1998 and 2000; a staggering 250% increase in eye deformity and a 4.5% increase in Down’s Syndrome births.
The amount of uranium or depleted uranium (DU) used by US-led coalition forces during their attack on Iraq in March and April is unknown but may have been between 1000 and 2000 tons. The looting of nuclear sites and chemical sites is also posing a long term health crisis.
you can find this article in:
Iraq's real WMD crime
By Lawrence Smallman in Baghdad
Thursday 30 October 2003,
There are weapons of mass destruction all over Iraq and they were used this year. Iraqi children continue to find them every day.
They have ruined the lives of just under 300,000 people during the last decade - and numbers will increase.
The reason is simple. Two hundred tonnes of radioactive material were fired by invading US forces into buildings, homes, streets and gardens all over Baghdad.
The material in question is depleted uranium (DU). Left over after natural uranium has been enriched, DU is 1.7 times denser than lead - effective in penetrating armoured objects such as tanks
Leukaemia has already become the most common type of cancer in Iraq among all age groups, but is most prevalent in the under-15 category. It has increased way above the percentage of population growth in every single province of Iraq without exception.
Women as young as 35 are developing breast cancer. Sterility among men has increased tenfold.
you can read much more about this article in :
The above is only some of what I have read,
For me using DU in wars is a crime against humanity what about you?