Sunday, September 26, 2004

To whom it may concern

I wrote an article about weddings in Iraq, but before I post it I decided to write this post.
I read all your comments on my last post, I respect all your opinions and thoughts and the time you had spent to read my post and write your comments.

To Eric: All what you wrote make sense, but this is only a theory like mine, nobody knows the truth and what is going to happen next. I like the way you analyze what is happening in Iraq and I was convinced by most of it, but how many Iraqis are reading your post and understand what is happing here. I’m really afraid that the terrorist will be able to control the situation here, because as you have said before it is their plan to make the people mistrust their government and that is happening right know. Before I used to defend the acts of the US army and used to say to everyone ‘wait and have some patience, nobody could stand in front of America. They could control the situation here.’ now I’m shocked that the situation became more complicated and now I can’t trust America and their promises of having a democratic Iraq and I began to revaluate my opinions again for the things I had believed in, and I hoped I was initially right. The people’s patience had disappeared and their hope for a better Iraq had vanished. I posted a picture of a car explosion in Baghdad that happened a couple of days ago, you can imagine how many people were hurt in this explosion. It is in a commercial area and the building contained computer hardware selling shops and in the front of the building is an ice cream shop were we used to buy some ice cream, my daughter likes his ice-cream a lot, three of the worker in the ice cream shop had died in this explosion, the shop has completely damaged, six people died in this explosion and 52 were wounded some of them in serious conditions. I don’t know how will my daughter understand why she won’t be able to go to that place I did not tell her yet, I found my self not able to talk when I saw that scene .

One important thing I want you( all the readers) to read and I’d like to hear your comments about:

titled 1.8 Billion lost and counting
post published in Sep.- 16 –2004

There is a technical issue I’d like to ask you if anyone know anything about. We see everyday on TV internet sites made by terrorist showing some videos or announcement of the hostages in Iraq, couldn’t the governments know from where they make the updates? and Why they did not close their sites if they can? some of those sites always have the same name. I never have the courage to enter any of those sites and I never will. but could you answer my question please. It is a technical question as I said before.


Blogger Mad Canuck said...

Hi Rose,

Getting a terrorist site shut-down is not all that hard. If you know the website's address, you can find out who the hosting provider is, and send them an email complaining about the site. If the site violates the hosting provider's acceptable use policy (which a terrorist site probably does), it will get shut down.

That being said, Mirco is right: the authorities may find it much more useful to leave the site up so they can monitor it. If you are able to monitor the traffic to the website, you can find out who is visiting it and publishing posts on it - much more useful than simply shutting the site down, because if you shut it down, they'll just go somewhere else and you won't know who they are.

People have far less privacy on the Internet than they might think. Everything you do on the Internet is using your IP address. If you are using a dial-up Internet provider, your IP address is different every time you access the Internet, but if you are able to obtain your ISP's records and check who was using a particular IP address at a particular time, you can find out which account the access was done through and possibly additional information (what point-of-presence you connected through, what phone number you called from, etc.). Also, many websites use cookies to tag the people using them, which can be used to recognize a repeat visitor.

The problem, of course, is that some people may post updates to a website like that from public locations (Internet cafes, public libraries, etc.), where they may not keep as good a record as an ISP. Sure, they can tell you the traffic originated from a particular computer, and if you tell them what time of day the traffic occured, they might be able to tell you who was using that computer at the time. But if the person signed in under a fake name and paid them cash, it won't help much. Also, some people have been known to sign up for "disposable" ISP accounts using fake names and stolen credit-card information, which makes them nearly impossible to trace.

This particular issue is a huge problem in countries like Nigeria, where they have hundreds of fraud-artists trying to bilk people with email scams, and the authorities have a hard time tracing them to specific individuals.

I hope that helps.....


10:19 PM  
Blogger Eric said...


I look forward to reading about weddings in Iraq. Don't put aside those important things you want to talk about in your blog on account of me.

It IS a lot easier for me to say what I do about Operation Iraqi Freedom, safe in my home on the other side of the world. If the Iraqi people surrender the hope for democratic and globalised reform, and come to believe reform is impossible in Iraq, then no matter how much of America's capital - monetary, resources and diplomatic - and soldiers' lives are invested into Iraq, we will fail. In the final account, just as in other nations we've helped or tried to help, the best America can offer with our aid is Opportunity. It depends upon Iraqis to turn the vision into reality.

Unfortunately, as I said, it is much easier and cheaper to destroy than to build, and terrorists are experts at death. I understand hope and faith can be destroyed, too, along with lives, pipelines and buildings.

We need Iraqi faith. There are people in the US saying it would have been better for the war on terror if Saddam was kept in power. There are people in the US saying we've done all we can for Iraq and we should leave now, because we can't help anymore and we're not wanted. There are people in the US saying reform for Iraq is impossible, that the best the Iraqi people can do for themselves is a Saddam or someone like him, that the 'insurgency' represents the true will and desire of Iraqis. These people literally count every life lost in Iraq, of every nationality, as the just punishment for the folly of believing in democracy for Iraq and the Iraqi people.

Two loosely related thoughts.

This para is from a website discussing the Israel-Palestine conflict and The Road Map (the 02-03 peace effort that followed the failed 1993 Oslo Accords). It's a succinct summary, particularly the last sentence, of President Bush Jr's 'liberal' strategy in the war on terror, and how it applies to Iraq:

"Among the momentous effects of Al-Qaeda's violent strikes against the United States on September 11, 2001, was a re-orientation of American policy toward the Middle East. The new paradigm adopted in Washington viewed much of the world as being divided into opponents versus supporters of terrorism. Furthermore, the roots of terrorism were ascribed to Mideast regimes that caused social and economic failures while pursuing the interests of small groups of ruling elites."

Second thought, from my visit to NYC's Museum of Modern Art on Saturday.

For the last 3 years, the museum has been housed in Queens, an outer borough of New York City, while it's home in Manhattan is being renovated. The museum's move back to Manhattan is tentatively scheduled for Nov, 2004. I read this information on a sign and I thought, one building in New York City has taken 3-plus years to fix. Our efforts in Iraq have been on-going for only 1.5 years, yet so many people are ready to declare failure in a mission to fix a NATION. Maybe it's just me, but there seems to be a distortion of perspective.

Of course, I did serve in Korea when I was a soldier. And South Korea's 20th century democratic, globalised ascendancy tells me that long-term success can be earned even in the face of terrible short-term hardship and uncertainty. For a while, many people lost their faith in the ROK's future, too, but they didn't give up.

10:24 PM  
Blogger Faisal ... said...

I think some of the terrorists use gost computers to store their materials. The open them for a very short time and then shut them. They are very difficult to track down.

2:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rose,
Don't loose hope for Iraqi freedom. That is exactly what the insurgency is hoping for. When the Iraqi people loose faith and hope for freedom, it gives the terrorists reason to believe they can win. It emboldens them to do more violence.

That is easy for me to say sitting here safe and secure in my home here in the US. But I am comforted in the knowledge that the same soldiers that have, and are fighting for your freedom, are also fighting to uphold mine. Fighting for freedom in the Iraq, and the middle east is fighting for freedom everywhere.

8:13 AM  
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